Project Performence Management System (PPMS)


  • PPMS is a Results Based Management System for (i) Setting Project Objectives, (ii) Designing Projects, and (iii) Monitoring & Evaluating Project Performance
    PPMS cover all the stages of the Project Life Cycle from Project Preparation to Project Implementation and Project Completion and it provides feedback throughout the Project Cycle
    PPMS ensures that the Project is making progress in achieving its intended goals and monitors its compliances with finances and schedules
    PPMS measures the progress of Project and Program using set of performance indicators at the Input, Output, Outcome and Impact level and tracks project progresses/processes on a continuous basis so that it could provide early warnings on emerging problems that require corrective actions towards achievement of results
    PPMS is expected to provide timely information to the project for mid-course correction if required. Project Monitoring during Project execution is concerned with inputs, processes and outputs to ensure that the project is on track

    The Project Life Cycle Implementation Documents of PPMS are as follows:
    • Project Design & Monitoring Framework (DMF), which specifies performance targets and indicators along with monitoring mechanism and assumptions and risks - this provides a common basis for all subsequent evaluation;
    • Project Administration Memorandum (PAM), basis for Project Progress Monitoring Indicators and Progressive targets
    • Project Performance Report (PPR), which is a system for reporting on project progress and the likelihood of achieving development objectives - it generates a project performance rating for implementation progress and development objectives, and it incorporates an early warning system to identify potential problem of projects;
    • Project Completion Report (PCR), which details achievements against project framework (PF) targets;
    • Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR), which also evaluates achievements against project framework (PF) targets, but some years later; and
    • Executing Agency (EA) monitoring and evaluation during project implementation and afterwards.

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